If you know of other Classic Ford and Mercury mailing lists, please e-mail me information on them so I may list them here. Thanks!
This is a new list for ALL Classic Ford and Mercury Owners - CFMO. Anyone with an old Ford or Merc is welcome to sign up. When you sign up, you will receive a message with list information.
To find out more, visit www.egroups.com/group/cfmo or:
To subscribe, send a blank message to cfmo-subscribe@egroups.com;
To UNsubscribe, send a blank message to cfmo-unsubscribe@egroups.com;
FYI - E-mail attachments are allowed to this group and it is not HEAVILY moderated, although flaming, bickering, and unpleasantness is NOT welcome. If you sign up through the egroups website listed above, you can choose from single post or digest modes. If you sign up by email, it defaults to single posts.
For Falcon owners, there are a couple of choices out there. One of them is http://www.egroups.com/list/falconeers/. You can also send a blank email (no subject, no text in the body) to falconeers-subscribe@egroups.com to subscribe, or falconeers-unsubscribe@egroups.com to unsubscribe. It defaults to single messages, but if you sign up at egroups.com, you can change your preferences to digest mode or web only.
The other popular Falcon list out there is The Ford Falcon News (TFFN). Very active, well moderated group. You can find out all about subscribing to it at http://www.tffn.net.
Here's one for Torino folx ... and 70 1/2 Falcon owners too. It's not too active, but if we get enough people, maybe it can be.
There is another list for Torino owners, although it's technically a Fairlane list. You'll find it at http://www.DFWmotorsport.com. Look for the "Fairlane List" link on the page.
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