A full line of message boards have been added - no sign-up required! If you don't see a topic you'd like added, e-mail the webmaster and we'll try to add it. FYI - Separate boards to discuss various models are being considered. Watch for them in the future and feel free to suggest any models that don't turn up just in case they were accidently overlooked.
We all know there's nothing like the look, feel, and sound of a classic car - that's why they're still popular so many years after Ford intended them to be crushed and replaced by a new model. This is a site to honour the cars of yesteryear, specifically ALL Ford and Mercury vehicles produced for the model year 1976 and earlier, be it a car, truck, van, wagon, SUV (before they were called SUV's), sedan delivery, Ranchero, or whatever. Anyone is welcome to visit this site, be they Ford, Chevy, or Mopar fans at heart, but the focus here is classic FORD (and Mercury) vehicles.
Feel free to e-mail any comments, ideas, or suggestions on how to make this site even better - or pictures and stories about your own car to add to the Parking Lot! And please take a moment to sign the guestbook before you go.
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